第87任务: Ethics out of Economics -清
第1任务: Microeconomics Varian, H, Intermediate Microeconomics, Norton-清
第2任务: Methods in Human Geography_ A guide for students doing a research project (2nd Edition) -清
第3任务: Metaphysics_ A Contemporary Introduction_ Third Edition-清
第4任务: Meditations First Philosophy -清
第5任务: Medieval England_ A Social History and Archaeology from the Conquest to 1600 AD -清
第6任务: Measuring the Subjective Well-Being of Nations_ National Accounts of Time Use and Well-Being (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)-清
第7任务: Matter and Consciousness-清
第9任务: Mathematics for Economics and Finance-清
第10任务: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering-清
第11任务: Malignant Sadness_ The Anatomy of Depression-清
第12任务: Making tea, making Japan _ cultural nationalism in practice -清
第13任务: Making Sense of Nature-清
第14任务: Making History Count_ A Primer in Quantitative Methods for Historians-清
第15任务: Macroeconomics-清
第16任务: Logic_ An Introduction to Elementary Logic-清
第17任务: Local and Regional Development-清
第18任务: Little Fires Everywhere. A novel-芝加哥大学 law-清
第19任务: Literacy and Literacies_ Texts, Power, and Identity -清
第20任务: Linear_Algebra,_4th_Edition__(2009)Lipschutz-Lipson-清
第21任务: Lewin's Cells-清
第22任务: Leviathan-清
第23任务: Legal Skills -清
第24任务: Lectures on physics. Vol. 2-清
第25任务: Languages of Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain -清
第26任务: Keys to the City_ How Economics, Institutions, Social Interaction, and Politics Shape Development -清
第28任务: Is Eating People Wrong_ Great Legal Cases and How They Shaped the World -清
第29任务: Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking-清
第30任务: Introductory econometrics. A modern approach -清
第31任务: Introduction_to_ARCHITECTURAL_SCIENCE_the_basis_of_sustainable_design-清
第32任务: Introduction To Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer --清
第33任务: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible_ Second Edition -清
第34任务: Introduction to Operations Research HILLIER-清
第35任务: Introducing Sociolinguistics-清
第36任务: Introducing Psycholinguistics -清
第37任务: Introducing Phonology 2nd ed-清
第38任务: International Relations Since 1945-清
第39任务: International Relations and Non-Western Thought_ Imperialism, Colonialism and Investigations of Global Modernity-清
第40任务: International Organization and Global Governance -清
第41任务: International Macroeconomics-清
第42任务: International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond-清
第43任务: International Economics, 9th Edition-清
第44任务: Intermediate Microeconomics_ A Modern Approach-清
第45任务: Institutions and European Trade_ Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800-清
第46任务: Human Resource Management 6th Edition -清?
第47任务: Hughes Electrical & Electronic Technology, 10th Edition -清
第48任务: How to Think Like an Anthropologist-清
第49任务: How to Think Like a Mathematician-清
第50任务: How to Read a Poem -清
第51任务: How to Get a First_ The Essential Guide to Academic Success-清
第52任务: House of Debt_ How They (and You) Caused the Great Recession, and How We Can Prevent It from Happening Again-清
第53任务: History Skills_ A Student's Handbook, 2nd edition-清
第54任务: History of Political Thought_ A Thematic Introduction -清
第55任务: History of Modern Art-清
第56任务: Historiography _ an Introductory Guide -清
第57任务: Hidden Figures_ The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race -清
第58任务: Hall of Mirrors The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History-清
第59任务: green-development-environment-and-sustainability-in-developing-world-清
第60任务: Greece in the Making, 1200-469 B.C -清
第61任务: Gravity’s Kiss_ The Detection of Gravitational Waves-清
第62任务: Gothic Art -清
第63任务: Glossary Of Literary Terms, 10th Edition-清
第64任务: Global Shift_ Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, Seventh Edition 7th Edition-清
第65任务: Global Inequality_ A New Approach for the Age of Globalization-清
第66任务: Global Change and the Earth System_ A Planet Under Pressure-清
第67任务: Getting to Know Waiwai_ An Amazonian Ethnography -清
第68任务: Geosystems Core 1E -清
第69任务: GDP _ a brief but affectionate history-清
第70任务: Fundamentals of the Physical Environment-清
第71任务: Fundamentals of Geomorphology -清
第72任务: Frontiers of Research in Intra-Industry Trade -清
第73任务: From Memory to Written Record_ England 1066 - 1307 -清
第74任务: Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies_ Migrant Farmworkers in the United States-清
第75任务: Free Trade Under Fire 4e -清
第76任务: Freakonomics-expanded-清
第77任务: Foundations of Organic Chemistry-清
第78任务: Foreign Policy Analysis_ New approaches -清
第79任务: First Language Acquisition-清
第80任务: Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy Second European Edition-清
第81任务: Financial Integration in East Asia -清
第82任务: Feral _ rewilding the land, the sea, and human life -清
第83任务: Farnsworth's classical English rhetoric-清
第84任务: Faith seeking understanding_ an introduction to Christian theology -清
第85任务: Expulsions_ Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy-清
第86任务: Exchange Rate Economics-清
第87任务: Ethics out of Economics -清
第88任务: Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy-清
第89任务: Essential mathematics for economic analysis-清
第90任务: essential cell biology -清
第91任务: epdf.pub_understanding-flight-second-edition-清
第92任务: Environmental Transformations_ A Geography of the Anthropocene -清
第93任务: Environmental Law-清
第94任务: Environmental economics _ an introduction-清
第95任务: Environmental and Energy Law -清
第96任务: English Legal System -清
第97任务: English Around the World_ An Introduction -清
第98任务: England in the Later Middle Ages-清
第99任务: England and its Rulers_ 1066 - 1307 -清
第100任务: engineering-mechanics-statics-7th-edition-清
第101任务: Engineering Mechanics_ Dynamics -清
第102任务: Engineering Materials 2, Third Edition_ An Introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design-清
第103任务: End This Depression Now!清
第104任务: Economics_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)-清
第105任务: Economics Rules_ Why Economics Works, When It Fails, and How To Tell The Difference-清
第106任务: Ecology_ From Individuals to Ecosystems-清
第107任务: Ecological Applications_ toward a sustainable world-清
第108任务: Early modern Europe, 1450-1789-清
第109任务: Dying _ a transition-清
第110任务: dubliners-清
第111任务: Dreams From My Father_ A Story of Race and Inheritance-清
第112任务: douglass-north-violence-and-social-orders-清
第113任务: Democracy for Realists_ Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government-清
第114任务: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment_ Recent Developments -清
第115任务: Corporate Finance, 10th edition -清
第116任务: Contemporary Political Philosophy_ An Introduction -清
第117任务: Considerations On Representative Government -清
第118任务: Computer Science-An Overview-清
第119任务: Computational Fairy Tales-清
第120任务: Comparing Religions Through Law_ Judaism and Islam -清
第121任务: Companion Encyclopedia of Geography_ The Environment and Humankind-清
第122任务: Communist Manifesto (Yale Published) -清
第123任务: Colloquial Portuguese of Brazil-清
第124任务: Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed -清
第125任务: Coca-Globalization_ Following Soft Drinks from New York to New Guinea -清
第126任务: Cities of Tomorrow_ An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880 -清
第127任务: Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution-清
第128任务: Child and Adolescent Development for Educators -清
第129任务: black-feminist-though-by-patricia-hill-清
第130任务: Biogeography_ an ecological and evolutionary approach 清
第131任务: Biochemistry-campell-6th- ed-清
第132任务: Biochemistry_ A Short Course-清
第133任务: Being Mortal_ Medicine and What Matters in the End -清
第134任务: Before Writing_ Rethinking the Paths to Literacy-清
第135任务: Becoming Sinners_ Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society -清
第136任务: Baghdad _ city of peace, city of blood-清
第137任务: Austerity_ The History of a Dangerous Idea -清
第138任务: Aristotle_ A Very Short Introduction -清
第139任务: aristophanes_clouds_a_dual_language_edition_-_johnston-清
第140任务: Architect's pocket book-清
第141任务: Archaeology_Coursebook-清
第142任务: Archaeology_ Theories, Methods, and Practice -清
第143任务: Animal Spirits_ How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism-清
第144任务: Ancestors in Our Genome_ The New Science of Human Evolution-清
第145任务: Analysing sentences_ an introduction to English syntax-清
第146任务: Analysing English sentences_ a minimalist approach -清
第147任务: An Introduction to Sustainable Development_ 2nd Edition -清
第148任务: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics -清
第149任务: Your Inner Fish_ A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body-清
第150任务: World Music_ A Very Short Introduction (-清
第151任务: Words and Minds_ How We Use Language to Think Together-清
第152任务: Women in Western Political Thought -清
第153任务: Why nations fail_ the origins of power, prosperity and poverty-清
第155任务: White World Order, Black Power Politics_ The Birth of American International Relations-清
第156任务: Where Do Camels Belong__ The Story and Science of Invasive Species-清
第157任务: What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy-清
第158任务: What is This Thing Called Science-清
第159任务: What Is Morphology-清
第160任务: What Is History Now_清
第161任务: Weather, Climate and Climate Change_ Human Perspectives -清、
第162任务: Understanding-International-Relations-清
第163任务: Understanding Syntax (Understanding Language) -清
第164任务: Understanding Probability, 3rd Edition-清
第165任务: An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment -清
第166任务: An Introduction to Philosophy of Education - Barrow & Woods-清
第167任务: An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning _ Numbers, Sets and Functions -清
第168任务: An Introduction to Judaism-清
第169任务: An Introduction to Human Geography_ Issues for the 21st Century, 3rd Edition -清
第170任务: An Introduction to Epistemology-清
第171任务: An Introduction to English Phonology -清
第172任务: An Introduction to English Morphology-清
第173任务: An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding-清
第174任务: An Angel At My Table (Autobiography, Volumes 1,2,3) -清
第175任务: All the King's Men -清
第176任务: Algorithmic Puzzles-清
第177任务: African History_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)-清
第178任务: Aeschylus_ Persae -清
第179任务: A Toss Of The Dice_ Stories From A Pediatrician's Practice-清
第180任务: A Mad, Bad, and Dangerous People__ England 1783-1846-清
第181任务: A History of the English Language-清
第182任务: A Farewell to Alms_ A Brief Economic History of the World (Princeton Economic History of the Western World)-清
第183任务: A Culture of Growth_ The Origins of the Modern Economy-清
第184任务: A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics, Fourth Edition-清
第185任务: A Companion to Portuguese Literature-清
第186任务: A Brief History of Ancient Greece_ Politics, Society, and Culture -清
第187任务: 1